Thursday, May 24, 2007

Spiketownopolis or Spikeopolis, I Suppose

Will I ever get tired of -opolis titled posts? At this rate, not anytime soon.

I just realized a short while ago that I have neglected to mention on here one of the biggest projects that I am currently devoting my time to: Spiketown. Spiketown is a comic book series that I have been developing with the assistance of the much talented Myke Allen - I do the wordy bits he does the arty bits. Currently, we have planned out about a half-dozen issues, the first two issues' scripts have been written (mostly), and the first issue is being meticulously crafted by Mr Allen. There are also numerous character portraits, concept drawings, and documents that are being produced as part of the process. It's been a fair amount of work, especially considering that we are both holding down full-time jobs as we've been doing this, but excitement levels have stayed consistently high and the thought of having the finished product printed off and in my grubby paws is a real motivator.

We're both novices at this sort of thing, so I have been doing a schwack of research to try to come up with some options for publishing this puppy. I've come up with a list of possibilities that runs the gamut from courting third-parties to going for full-out DIY Indie publishing. I will be making the occasional post here to share my thoughts and experiences on whatever strategies we decide to employ.

Currently we are making preparations to enter the Comic Book Challenge (, sponsored by Platinum Studios, as a way of potentially getting our book out there. I'll keep you apprised of the situation as it plays out. I should also be posting soon about the comic itself and what that's all about, as hopefully I've piqued your interest.

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