Tuesday, April 25, 2006

Ummm.. Hi!

Damn that J over at Simacia! Now that he has revealed me, I must write additional blog entries or the public will wail about my lack of output! Ah well... so be it...

The thing is though, it's not like I don't have anything to say at this point. Thus far, I have just been too lazy to post. But here it is: I am now an award winning writer. It's true! I have been announced as one of the winners of Bioware's Neverwinter Nights Writing Contest. This means that besides great critical acclaim, I will soon be the proud owner of a Bioware Mug! My module is entitled "Walking with the Ghost" and was voted 2nd in the community choice category. In addition, my module has been in the middle of heavy controversy on the Bioware forums due to being a late entry. But besides all of this, I am pretty proud of my work, especially as it is my first effort in this area. If you happen to be a gamer and possess a copy of Neverwinter Nights, go to the Neverwinter Vault and give it a whirl. Let me know what you think.

Neverwinter Vault -> http://nwvault.ign.com/
Walking with the Ghost -> http://nwvault.ign.com/View.php?view=Modules.Detail&id=4815

1 comment:

ElastiZombie said...

Selfish on account of I would want him to move here so that we could hang out, regardless of whether or not it would be best for Jay and his career and all that. Of course, it could also be smart, no-one's implying that they are mutually exclusive. :)